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Nanami Wrist Wraps

Nanami Wrist Wraps

Regular price $35.00 USD
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Inspired Wrist Wraps

TLDR: Wrist Wraps aid in your pushing exercises. Our models are hand made in Europe, Bulgaria and feature the maximum IPF approved length (100cm / 39inch). Designed with longer hook/loop fastening, the flexible material can provide maximum compression for experienced lifters.

[Product Details]
Wrist Wraps
100 x 8 cm /-/ 39 x 3.14 inch
Flexible for comfort
Elastic thumb loop
Embroidered hook

[More Information]
STRENGTH: Our Wrist Wraps provide you with that extra PUSH your workout needs. For the moments when your wrist strength is not enough, our Wrist Wraps fill the gap.

SUPPORT: With plenty of length options, our Wrist Wraps can cover your Powerlifting and Bodybuilding sessions just as well.

DESIGN: Created from scratch with the idea to support smaller wrists, Yunak's Wrist Wraps are softer than your usual wraps. That way, when rolled, they add a ton of support to your wrists while being a comfortable fit.

DURABILITY: The unique material and flexibility of our Wrist Wraps helps them sustain even the hardest workout sessions.

Made with:
60% High quality Polyester Yarn
40% Durable Rubber Thread

All our Wrist Wraps are created by hand in Bulgaria, Europe. Slight differences might occur.

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